Practical Sustainability
Dr. Mariana Bozesan interviews:Corey Glickman and Jeff Kavanaugh How Practical is Sustainability? While several governments have launched their new green deals to implement the Paris Accord and the UN Agenda 2030, Corey
Dr. Mariana Bozesan interviews:Corey Glickman and Jeff Kavanaugh How Practical is Sustainability? While several governments have launched their new green deals to implement the Paris Accord and the UN Agenda 2030, Corey
Dr. Mariana Bozesan interviews:Dr. Andreas Rickert, CEO of PHINEO In this podcast, Dr. Andreas Rickert shares why he started Phineo almost ten years ago and how he succeeded to grow it
Dr. Mariana Bozesan interviews:Jeff Kavanaugh, CEO of the Infosys Knowledge Institute In this podcast, Jeff Kavanaugh, the head of the Infosys Knowledge Institute interviews Mariana Bozesan within the context of their
Dr. Mariana Bozesan interviews:Dr. Tom Kehler, AI pioneer, Founder & CEO of CrowdSmart In this exciting podcast Dr. Thomas Kehler talks about AI past and future, and how he is applying
Dr. Mariana Bozesan interviews:Dr. Vesna Vučinić-Nešković, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Belgrade Driven by exponentially growing technologies such as an explosion of sensors, high-speed networks and AI, tomorrow’s
by Mariana Bozesan Let’s say you want to travel from Munich to Beijing. Depending on your budget in terms of money, time, or levels of courage and exploration, you can travel
Dr. Mariana Bozesan interviews:Dr. Mila Popovich, Founder of EVOLving Leadership In this very personal interview, performed on the occasion of the Future of Capital conference at the United Nations HQ on
Dr. Mariana Bozesan interviews:Frank Dixon, Founder of Global System Change In this podcast Frank Dixon explains the difference between the ESG criteria of the UN PRI and the new Agenda 2030
Dr. Mariana Bozesan interviews:Dr. Joscha Bach, VP Research at the AI Foundation In this philosophically daring podcast, Dr. Joscha Bach addresses several important questions related to our understanding of who we
In this podcast Dr. Ramphele reminds us that freeing the planet from the negative influence of human civilizations such as destructive CO2 emissions and overpopulation, means freeing ourselves from the
Spine surgeon Dr. Michael Ahrens presents the smallest operation tent we have seen, which he invented to perform surgery under troubled conditions and to bring proper health care to disaster
Dr. Wood campaigned not only against apartheid and worked toward the release of Nelson Mandela back in the 1980s. In this podcast, he is sharing his “Thrivability Model” as an
Do you want to learn from peers in Impact Investing? Then look no further. In this interview Cecile Blilious shares why you should hesitate no longer but fully embrace your mission
An integral thinker and practitioner of applied integral theory, Prof. Brunnhuber has developed a financial mechanism that would allow not only 1 percent but 99 percent of the global population
The Toniic Local Dinner in Munich provided the opportunity for twenty Toniic members and friends to enjoy a wonderful evening with like minded investors and interesting conversations about integral investing.
We all know that something significant must change if we want to reduce the current global CO2 emissions in half by 2030. Yet, few of us know what to do
While there is a strong investors’ interest in digital technologies, their role in the emergence of a new paradigm of sustainable development is far from being granted. The avalanche of
Prof. Schellnhuber’s greatest piece of advice to investors, entrepreneurs, and business people within the context of climate change is: “Don’t kill your customer!”. In this podcast, he discusses the impact of
In this interview Dr. Göpel outlines various mind shift levels that have the power to create a global and local architecture of awareness that can shift both our relationship with
Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, former co-president of the Club of Rome, provides in this podcast guidance, solutions, encouragement, and hope in a world gone slightly mad. He offers
There is an updated version of the diagram available here (2019 data, released by IEA 2021) The current warnings about climate change are not new, they just keep accelerating. One of
In this podcast, former top banker, Dr. Friedhelm Boschert, shares how he has been able to successfully bring mindfulness and meditation into the banking world. He talks about several impactful
In this podcast, Club of Rome member Ian Dunlop, reminds us that delaying to peak fossil fuel emissions gives us too little time to transform the global economy to avert
Climate-KIC Chair and former Co-President of the Club of Rome Dr. h.c. Anders Wijkman relies on practical solutions that exist and presents a plan for an independent and serious organisation with
Serial entrepreneur, bestselling author, and Club of Rome member Dr.h.c. Gunter Pauli gives hope at a time when many people talk about dooms day scenarios. He dreams big and demonstrates
Future generations will refer to Ken Wilber in the same way we talk today about Hegel, Nietzsche or Kant. In this podcast, world renown philosopher and evolutionary theorist, Ken Wilber
In the era of massive challenges and urgent transformations many people avoid inconvenient truths and gravitate toward inconvenient lies that make them feel better. In this podcast, renowned angel investor with
On October 16th, 2018, the AQAL Group, the Co-presidents and members of the international Club of Rome, together with more than 100 investors launched the Investment Turnaround, the Investmentwende. In
In this podcast, Sandrine Dixson-Declève shares the discussions that are currently taking place at the European policy level on sustainability including a new taxonomy for 21st century economics that adds
Dr. Barrett C. Brown is a globally recognized expert on the application of Wilber’s Integral Theory – in this podcast he shares some of the most advanced vertical development tools