Practical Sustainability

Dr. Mariana Bozesan interviews:Corey Glickman and Jeff Kavanaugh How Practical is Sustainability? While several governments have launched their new green deals to implement the Paris Accord and the UN Agenda 2030, Corey

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Do We Live in a Simulation?

Dr. Mariana Bozesan interviews:Dr. Joscha Bach, VP Research at the AI Foundation In this philosophically daring podcast, Dr. Joscha Bach addresses several important questions related to our understanding of who we

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The Tao of Finance

An integral thinker and practitioner of applied integral theory, Prof. Brunnhuber has developed a financial mechanism that would allow not only 1 percent but 99 percent of the global population

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Don’t Kill Your Customer

Prof. Schellnhuber’s greatest piece of advice to investors, entrepreneurs, and business people within the context of climate change is: “Don’t kill your customer!”. In this podcast, he discusses the impact of

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