AQAL in the Press

Wie kann Geld zu einem Ausdruck unserer tieferen menschlichen Werte werden?

August 2019

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Dr. Mariana Bozesan was interviewed in the evolve magazine "Was das Geld mit uns macht - Fluch und Segen einer menschlichen Erfindung" (Aug./Oct. 2019).

She presented her point of view on the question: "How can money become an expression of our inner human values?".


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Climate Endowment Press Coverage

June 2019

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The aim of the Climate Endowment is to enable institutional investors to allocate more of their huge capital stock in renewable energy, new mobility, and related cleantech assets.

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AQAL and NDC in Handelsblatt "Business Briefing Nachhaltige Investments" Newsletter

February 2019

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Handelsblatt "Business Briefing Nachhaltige Investments" highlights in its newsletter AQAL's engagement in integral investments in health, energy and the construction of data centers and Dr. Bozesan's leading role as Club of Rome Member and ambassador for integral sustainable investments. Moreover, a best practice example is given. NDC Data Centers save 50% construction material and 50% energy per data center. Dr. Bozesan describes the investment potential in this integral sustainable investment opportunity as follows: "In our portfolio company NDC Data Centers for example an integral sustainable investment of up to half a billion Euro per data center project is possible". (Newsletter Version 8.2.2019 Nr.2)

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10 Frameworks and Mindsets for Thriving in the 21st Century

February 2019

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[...] 10. Integral Models of Wealth & Investment – examples of the integral-mystical worldview applied to wealth and investment are starting to appear. To give just two examples, The MetaImpact Framework “measures 4 types of impact with 10 types of capital which produce 4 bottom lines”; Integral Investing integrates traditional investing and impact investing frameworks into a new framework with emergent properties not seen in either.

There you have it; 10 of my favorite frameworks and mindsets for making sense of the world and preparing oneself to contribute mightily to the future and flourishing of humanity.

In future articles I’ll dig deeper into some of these frameworks and mindsets, as each one is rich and could be the topic of a much longer talk. I encourage you to explore them with me, if you share my passion for being a force for unthinkable and massive positive change in these historic times!

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50 Jahre Club of Rome - Der kritische Blick auf das Wachstum

October 2018

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Als der Club of Rome 1972 vor einem Ende der weltweiten Ressourcen warnte, schlug das ein wie eine Bombe. 50 Jahre nach seiner Gründung kehrte der Club nach Rom zurück – und fordert weiterhin noch eine Abkehr vom materialistischen Egoismus.

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Dr. Bozesan mentioned in “Women in the know – chances in transition”

Summer 2018

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At an exclusive event organized by VdU Hessen, Bayern-Süd and Digital Media at the Frankfurt bookfair, Dr. Mariana Bozesan spoke as a keynote speaker. She encouraged to act as an entrepreneur and highlighted that the inner values are a great compass in a fast changing world. In the panel discussion the panelists and the audience came to the conclusion that from an entrepreneurial point of view the chances in a fast changing world are bigger than the risks.

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Launch German CoR Report "Come on!" - Press Kit Gütersloher Verlag

October 2017

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Gütersloher Verlag Press Kit:

  1. Short Summary Club of Rome Report "Come On"
  2. Key sentences of the new Club of Rome Report
  3. Participating lead panel speakers at the press conference
Launch German CoR Report "Come on!" - Press Kit AQAL 

October 2017

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Content: AQAL Press Kit

  1. Call for the Investment Turnaround
  2. Reasons for the Investment Turnaround
  3. Investment Turnaround Manifesto
Press Review Investment Turnaround and Club of Rome Report "Come on!" Launch

October 2017

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Collection of articles on the Investment Turnaround and Club of Rome Report Launch - in Spiegel, NDC, ARD, BR, Deutschlandfunk and many more.


Club of Rome Report "Come on!" several weeks Spiegel Bestseller 
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Collection of articles on the Investment Turnaround and Club of Rome Report Launch - in Spiegel, NDC, ARD, BR, Deutschlandfunk and many more.



Interview with Dr. Bozesan: "The Future of the finance industry is ethical"

July 2017

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In this short interview on ethical and sustainable investments Dr. Bozesan, an expert on ethical investments and the leading force in integral investing, answers exiting questions such as: How did it come that you chose the path of transforming the investment world? And how is a balance between profit and impact possible?

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AQAL in forum Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften

March 2010

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This article introduces the concept of Integral Impact Investing as an evolutionary model for sustainable capital management. It argues that the major collective threats faced by humanity today are addressed only partially by the current development strategies and investment schemes. It emphasizes the important role of capital and business in alleviating today’s challenges and questions the sustainability of current investment practices in all investment fields such as Venture Capital, Public, and Private Equity. Moreover, it provides an integral investing framework that may fill the current void while potentially reducing the investment risk and increasing the social, environmental, cultural, and happiness impact.

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